Updating things around here

 stirring up the minnow bucket
stirring up the minnow bucket

I’m busy behind the scenes on shifting my blog theme and site structure. This is going to take some time, and things will pop off and on the blog with no warning while I’m working. I’m also building a new shop at bigcartel that won’t be ready for the holidays. I’m taking the pressure off myself! 🙂

My goal is to be up and running around January 1st. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you experience strange happenings re: the RSS feed from the blog.

Happy Holidays!

Updating my blog

stirring up the minnow bucket

I’m busy behind the scenes on shifting my blog theme and site structure. This is going to take some time, and things will pop off and on the blog with no warning while I’m working.

My goal is to be up and running around January 1st. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you experience strange happenings re: the RSS feed from the blog.

Happy Holidays!